There’s an old saying, “Never test how deep the water is with both feet.” The beautiful water features that surround properties can be complicated and make you feel like you are in over your head. They must be thought out carefully and use the skills of professionals in many fields to create a cohesive and well-functioning water feature. There are so many benefits aside from aesthetics. For example, a lake fountain helps with water aeration, noise mitigation, and with LED light installation your property can be well-lit throughout the night.

A properly constructed water feature begins from the bottom up, Alloway Electric digs in early in the project to ensure the underground facilities are constructed properly. The key to operating every water feature is the service rack. Alloway Electric has created a specialized process to include the electrical service as well as all controls for pumps, fountains, floats, lighting and sprinkler time clocks. Our racks are custom made and placed to improve the aesthetics of your water feature.
It’s very important to speak to a professional about sizing the pump and ancillary gear correctly. The proper size helps to avoid premature pump replacement and allows the desired flow rate. We also try to size the pump perfectly to help maintain a clean and green environment.
Our electricians don’t just ride in bucket trucks, they can also run a fleet of rafts and paddle boards to troubleshoot pumps and fountains. Alloway Electric strives to ensure proper operation throughout the year from the water and on the shore.
Don’t get caught with both feet in the water, give Alloway Electric a call, we can help!